
The Fairbrossen Pack

$270.00 every 4 months

12 bottles – 8 mixed current release whites & reds, & 4 bottles of museum wines

This is the “Full to Bursting” option providing you a selection of your favourite current release wines, and the added advantage of a few older gems that ‘money can’t buy’.

By choosing this 12 bottle case option, you can enjoy a Fairbrossen wine almost every other week of the year

12 bottles – 8 mixed current release whites & reds, & 4 bottles of museum wines

This is the “Full to Bursting” option providing you a selection of your favourite current release wines, and the added advantage of a few older gems that ‘money can’t buy’.

By choosing this 12 bottle case option, you can enjoy a Fairbrossen wine almost every other week of the year

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